Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Tonsorial Gem 5/8 and 4/8 AND the Top Flight is conquered.

decided to keep testing my jnat one stone hone methods and man they are kicking ass! Next up today was the 5/8" square point tonsorial gem( bottom blade). I'm doing pretty much the same routine each time and getting damn near the same result; exactly what the goal is: an actual recipe/equation that works the same every time,( give or take certain variables; bad steel, warped metal.etc)

this is the protocol

dull edge on glass one downstroke
soft uchi slurry on oozuku( thick but still fluid)
3-5 passes of circles refresh slurry 1-2 times as necessary
test blade if cutting arm hair easy then
hard uchi slurry
30 reps of push strokes in sets of 5
then 5,4,3,2,1 push strokes
then 15 X strokes on same slurry, refresh if it gets too dry

then 50 laps on pure water
35 laps on  linen
50-60 on leather

thats it and it's been working great.

then onto

Clauberg 4/8
But I wanted to test the theory a bit. I was wondering if it's the oozuku stone that's giving such great results or the 3 slurry progression so I did the same protocol with the Uchigumori stone
same soft, hard, water progression and it worked freakin crazy good as well. maybe even better. that uchi is one hard stone.the slurry on the hard uchi slurry stone came up much thicker than on the oozuku as it's tomonagura. Maybe I need an Oozuku slurry stone :))

 Then I really got crazy and went back to the Top Flight 5/8 square point my friend gave me to hone but i quit one. I tried EVERYTHING  I could think of including resetting the bevel on my new chosera 800 grit. A synthetic progression, nothing. a coticule progession nothing. taping the spine and coticules,
again, nothing . ack

I finally quit it was too much trouble

But then I thought I should give it ONE more try as I was planning on giving the blade back tomorrow.

Back to the Oozuku but this time used a new botan nagura that is supposed to be about 3k grit
same progression but started with the Botan. It got to shaving arm hair after 7 sets of 30 circles slower than the soft uchi but this was the damned Top Flight too.
onto the soft uchi and push strokes: edge progressing!
then hard uchi, again better edge

oozuku on water and even better

35 on linen and 60 on leather and it's passing all the tests like a real razor. shave test tomorrow!

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