Monday, May 07, 2012

Cretan hone is here and 6/8 Revisor touch up

Got my turkish oil stone from Emmanuel in Athens finally and couldn't wait to get started with it.It's hard and kind of rough,especially when dry. when it's wet a great depth of colors and striations appear although it looks like it got sawed weird with an almost rainbow shaped cut pattern. it seems smooth enough but who knows?

lapped it wet with my DMT 325 and not much happened. drew a grid mark on it with pencil and not much moved. dried it off and tried it that way and much the same. It seems pretty flat but again, who knows?

I dulled my 66 Russian 5/8 built a slurry with the accompanying stone (which was easy and creamy) and got to work on circles. Tested after five and not sharp enough so three more and tested again. good on arm hair so two more sets then onto a dilute.

I wasn't sure at this point if I was going to use this as a kind of bevel setter initial sharpener or what, as it's definitely not a finisher stone, grit wise ( 3-4 k estimate) but it also is supposed to give that smooth coticule 'toothless'' edge so I decided to do a dilute and then finish on water and shave with it tomorrow and see what this edge is like

so that's what I did. 10 sets of circles. then a bit more slurry and 40 sets of 5 push strokes into dilute with X strokes.

then 50 laps on water. leg hair tests were surprisingly good. popping leg hairs like a finisher :))

35 on linen 50 on leather

Then Revisor 6/8 and Uchigumori
this 6/8" Revisor could be my absolute favorite blade. the weight and the feel and action and the character of the blade just all feel right. It feels great in my hand, so well balanced and stable. The edge always sharpens easily and stays sharp. So I put it on my best  stone my Uchigumori Samurai Sword Rock :))
dulled on glass

soft uchi slurry sets of 30 circles for 5 sets shaving arm hair easy
2 more lower rep sets
very keen already. love this rock and this blade :))

hard uchi ( tomonagura) slurry
30 reps push strokes

50 laps of X strokes
the usual leg hair suicide that the Uchi induces.

35 laps linen 50 leather.

tomorrow  :))


I'm such an idiot. I started with the Russian blade completely forgetting what hone I used and was disappointed in the smoothness of the shave, NOT THE SHARPNESS.It shaved very close but just a BIT rough. I thought I would have to re do it on the Jnat until I put it away after the shave and realized   I HAD HONED IT ON THE CRETAN HONE!!  that things about 3 k grit and it produced a VERY shaveable  edge. Nice.

next up was the 6/8 Revisor finished on the Uchi and it shaved like a dream, sharp and smooth. Perfect. Did the second half of my face on the first pass with it and finished it up on the second. Perfect

Going to take the edge of the Russian and finish it on the Uchi today too and see what that does.


Read this by Bart at and realized that the cretan is more like a Jnat than a coticule. best to always read the directions first:)) the  cutting agents break down and continue to sharpen AS they polish the edge. Didn't know that.

They also assume the grit of the nagura which I didn't know. Tested this out on my Japanese chef knife using the Chu Nagura as the slurry and it worked great! Re sharpened the edge fast!

Also put the 63 Russian back on the cretan with tomonagura slurry( SO hard to make with the slurry stone) and did circles and x strokes without dulling the edge first. Did ok until I refreshed the slurry and diluted a bit then it dulled.

Pulled out the 600 DMT to build slurry (easily and lots) and re did circles til it popped arm hair and then did 30 x strokes on the same slurry. tested very keen

60 laps on leather and tests sound good.

60 more laps on the Revisor and we'll see how many shaves I can get out of it without a touchup on a hone.


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