Sunday, February 12, 2012

3 passes/ 3 blades

What do you do when you have so many razors to play with and so little face to shave?

Use a different blade for each pass,lol. I started doing this when I was really into learning how to hone and needed to test each blade that I had honed the day before. Now, it's just for fun.
Was just going to use the Masonic ( it's addicting) and the 6/8" Revisor but  that stupid TI Gnome  still isn't up to snuff just after one shave and it pissed me off.

I do think there is some kind of warp in the toe of the blade that keeps it from getting good contact with the stone as I hone so I had to address that. First the shave.
TI Super Gnome

As expected  even the first sideburn pass missed some edges towards the ear so something's up. Put it back down and will address that in the touch up.

Masonic Blade

Good but not great and it seems even the Red Violin of razors needs a touch up now and then


batting clean up and did a great job

Touch up

touched it up the way I honed it( no pre dulling)

BBW and light slurry
30 push strokes and test; keener, man this thing hones quick!
Nouvelle Vein on light slurry
20 X strokes and test. better
20 X strokes on pure water: nice!

20 laps linen
35 laps leather.
feels like it did previous. we'll see

TI Gnome
BBW with slurry ( if it's good enough for the Masonic?)
keener- REALLY paying attention to the toe on the left side making a difference
Nouvelle vein on Water
25 X strokes  keener
 but toe is still not sharp enough, back to BBW with slurry for JUST toe work
lots of half strokes on left side down only, just the toe. catching up finally

back to coticule les lat bout
25 push strokes in sets of 5
on les lat hybrid side
20 x strokes  keen!

20 laps linen
40 laps leather

tomorrow :))

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